About Me

My photo
I'm a girl (well duh hey) and I'm 13 (don't worry, I update often-ish). I love to draw. Absolutely love it. I also love writing and reading more than TV and Movies. I play the piano (though I'm not that great a fan of it). I'm African-Chinese. xD I am goth-ish, emo-ish, caring-sometimes. LOL xD I love www.hyperboleandahalf.com Allie ROCKs xP I love to laugh as well and I'm a creative person that takes my own ideas and mix it with someone elses ^^

Sunday 3 July 2011

Boring Update

I hate this! There's nothing to write about!
Alright maybe there's SOME news but there's nothing BIG.

Just maybe the fact that I wasted about $20?

Why? Because I dyed my hair blue black. I was hoping it would be like an awesome blue in the sun... sadly no.

It's the exact same: BLACK.

And then my friend on gaiaonline.com told me, "When you dye your hair lighter than black, aren't you supposed to dye it blonde first?"


Alright, other than that I've gotten this stalker who added me on Skype.

At first he was really sweet then he kept pestering me for a picture of me. And a full-body one at that too... Creepy....

And now he's like all I'm going to delete you because you never talk to me.


I mean GOD. Jeez - I blog but I'm not like those cliche geeks who haven't a life but blog and update stuff online...

Then he said that if he was busy doing something, he'd change his status to like away or busy.

OMF. I frikken DID. My best friend was sleeping over at my house and we were watching Gossip Girl (we love making fun of Gossip Girl's voice and changed it to 'You Know You Hate Me, Retarded Girl, COCO COCO' ) and he tried to talk to me.

I changed the status to BUSY FOR GODS SAKE! Is he BLIND?

So yeah he deleted me. Oh well. I blocked him. YAY :D

AND that's about it. My holiday is nearing its end in 2 weeks.

 I've done nothing but sleep over at my best friend's house and she slept over at mine.

It consisted of shopping, going out to movies and playing sims.

and watching Gossip Girl.

Sunday 26 June 2011

Holidays and ShOpPiNg xD

Ah... released from our private hell (i.e. school) on the 23rd.
It was freedom, relaxation and happiness (all mixed to one) flooding through me as soon as the bell rung.
Everyone flooded out. But from previous posts, you'd know that I'm the popular kind and therefore not many "Bye! I'll miss you, we MUST meet up in the holidays!" and hugs for me.
More like, the above to someone - like eg. my best friend, the bubbly and popular sweet one - and stares at me and, "erm... Bye Angela." Plus a reluctant and hesitant hug.
Wow. Way to be gentle, even if you hate me, you backstabbing bitches.

Since thursday, my best friend crashed at my place to avoid a family friend that she utterly hates.
We had so many funny adventures. We had to get my uncle to drive to her dad's work place to renew her debit card PIN because she forgot it. We used my absolutely misleading and terrible Sat Nav....

Then we did go shopping. We went to a MASSIVE Claires sale - 75% OFF EVERYTHING!

I bought a really cool skull top and black almost knee boots, while she bought a black crop top and a white heart bag. But not at Claires. We got LOADS of earrings.

It was a lot of fun but we ran into a banking difficulty. The machine said to her, mine and my dad's card that we were all broke.

Eventually we went to this lot where there were ATM's of every bank and everything was sorted. It was just that machine that was wonky.

And sadly she didn't get her beloved boots. She was short of 160 bucks... ***sigh****

And I offered to lend and she said no.
Today I offered to take her to the nearest mall that had that shop to buy it but she said no again but she's been saying how she should've bought them, and how she was so stupid and yadidadida..... sigh.
She's too embarrassed to make my brother her taxi taking her to and fro.

I'm not. He's my brother. He should get off his ass and do something instead of lounging around all day.

Enough, enough. I sense you're bored (don't ask me how I know, I'm just that amazingly awesome)

I'll update again soon enough. My dad still hasn't bought me that drawing tablet.

Wednesday 22 June 2011


I must say, posting on blogspot is more fun. I can make the words more.... dRaMaTiC?

Much more fun to read, isn't it? And plus, I can add pictures in the text - whenever it pleases me! LIKE NOW!

****Sob***** The picture doesn't feel like showing up.... Maybe it's shy?

Anyways, I'm here to promote and help make a friend FAMOUS!

A friend... ***taps chin and starts thinking*** Is she really a friend? Maybe acquaintance....

We sit with different people at lunch, we hardly speak to each other.... hmmm what are we?

Well I suppose I'll settle for friend. I chatted with her a bit last year.

She is a VERY... erm.... special person. Haha! You're probably thinking, "Does that mean she's... mental?"

No silly! She's special because she's just that awesome haha! Although the teachers in junior school did question that thought....

She's an actress, model, published poet and writer. She's really awesome.

She's smart too :)

I actually can see her on broadway or in a big movie, and it's not even funny.

I'm going to try to help her become her #1 dream = become famous.

It's going to be a tad difficult but I have many art connections and I could at least promote her a bit and get people's attention :D

I honestly have high hopes for her. 

So visit her at.......

TUMbLR: http://almostfamoustybennett.tumblr.com
BLOgSPOT: http://tylermegbennett.blogspot.com

Tuesday 21 June 2011


Well, posting is often difficult when:

a) it's not available or fast enough on your bloody cellphone.

b) the time it is to get an idea and the time it takes to get home and have it blogged is just too... well, long.

Exams have been an awful stress to me, but I must say, my results shock me both in a incredible and frightening way.

I'd never thought I'd do THAT badly in Languages. They usually were my best.

High school is different that junior school, I suppose.

It's time where we have to face facts that... well teachers don't buy your kid-like stories anymore.

Which, let me tell you, DEFINITELY sucks.

I achieved quite well overall. 6 A's do some advantages, I have to say.

Like a reward of a drawing tablet! Soon, I'll be able to post more pictures and make this dark and gloomy blog much more lively... yet somehow still dark and gloomy.

I like dark and gloomy. ( >.> don't look at me like that <.<)

BUT, sadly my father keeps on ADDING things when we shook on deal of 2 A's for my exams.

Then yesterday he said that he'd said before 3 A's.


I got your bloody third A. I got 3 others too!

Then TODAY he says that he'd said that he wanted the report card as well. ***sigh***

Parents, what can you REALLY do about them? Well, dads actually. \

I'm not speaking to my mother and  I DO NOT feel like reposting and venting my anger. You can visit my other blog called, "LOL its my Tumblr" at http://lolitsmy.tumblr.com

But none the less, the tablet shall be mine.

And I intend on getting it.

All for today. I promise to blog again soon. But rather visit my Tumblr.

I have it on my phone so I blog much more often. Mostly on arts stuff but big news arrives there first since my Blackberry goes everywhere with me. And when the Blackberry isn't, either my iPod Touch is or my iPhone.

Friday 10 June 2011


Argh... School and classmates can be a pain sometimes you know.
Like 2 days ago. Is it truly a crime to be friends with someone THEY don't like?
NO! Well that's what I think. Is it also a crime to BE FRIENDS with someone?
NO! If it was I should be sentenced to death. I said these EXACT words to those 'acquaintance' (enemy to me really) and they said that that makes NO SENSE. 
Are they dumb, or is it just me?
Nope. I'm usually wrong but I'm about 99.9% sure that I'm correct on this one.

They could possibly annoy the crap out of me. To understand what's going on, this'll take a while. Get a cool drink, some crisps maybe? Pop corn is healthier.

Let's get cracking.

Alright. Now, I'm friends with this girl ,who these group of other girls (who think they are superior to us)  don't like due to something she said. They are making her life hell.

Now, due to what I said on blackberry messenger (I was talking about seals, thank you very much) They think I am trying to get involved. I said, "When people can't get anymore cruel, they can"

And then my other friend posted, "People, just stop it."
I said I agreed. Then they tell me to BUTT out

HOW? I didn't even get INVOLVED! Check yesterday's post! I was talking about SEALS. But does anyone care or believe me?

Now, even worse, they mock me. Yesterday the one girl (trying WAY too hard to impress them) said, "Hey look Angii! A dead seal! *fake shock gasp* But don't worry! I saved it, cause I'm an animal-freak"

I retorted saying, "Good, you finally realised you are one. Maybe not to animals but you got that last bit right."

She came back at me saying, "Well I care about female dogs, bitches. Are you one and do you care?"

I stayed silent and just glared. She walked away trailing behind the others laughing.

All I could think of was: 

Sorry for ranting off. I hope you understand that when people are giving you hell, you kinda wish you could do something but you're scared it'll backfire.

Wednesday 8 June 2011


OMG! It's soooo sad...
But sadly, nobody but me cares.
SEALS ARE BEING KILLED! The poor dears. They didn't do any harm, and it certainly was NOT their fault to have such a large population DX 
People are just bashing their brains to pulps and therefore killing them a "fixing" the problem.
They killed my heart! Those poor little creatures! The one they killed could've been a...a...a-a baby brother/sister? A mother/father? Cousin? Aunt/Uncle? Grandpa/ma? 
No, they couldn't care less...
They have FEELINGS. We all do. hell, even PLANTS do!

Please Support this by searching a support page on facebook, twitter and google.
It'll be for a great cause - SAVING SEALS.

Well seal killings have been on since 2007. They do it yearly after the mating season to stop birth and control it.

Monday 6 June 2011

Well.... Hi, I guess :D

Hey there!
This blog thing is mainly made because:
a) I was bored
b) I wanted to see what it's like to have a blog XD
c) www.hyperboleandahalf.com seemed really cool so I wanted to see if I could achieve something similar
d) This is partly for my deviantart.com account (xMagicChicx)

So... Welcome, I guess? And enjoy.