About Me

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I'm a girl (well duh hey) and I'm 13 (don't worry, I update often-ish). I love to draw. Absolutely love it. I also love writing and reading more than TV and Movies. I play the piano (though I'm not that great a fan of it). I'm African-Chinese. xD I am goth-ish, emo-ish, caring-sometimes. LOL xD I love www.hyperboleandahalf.com Allie ROCKs xP I love to laugh as well and I'm a creative person that takes my own ideas and mix it with someone elses ^^

Friday 10 June 2011


Argh... School and classmates can be a pain sometimes you know.
Like 2 days ago. Is it truly a crime to be friends with someone THEY don't like?
NO! Well that's what I think. Is it also a crime to BE FRIENDS with someone?
NO! If it was I should be sentenced to death. I said these EXACT words to those 'acquaintance' (enemy to me really) and they said that that makes NO SENSE. 
Are they dumb, or is it just me?
Nope. I'm usually wrong but I'm about 99.9% sure that I'm correct on this one.

They could possibly annoy the crap out of me. To understand what's going on, this'll take a while. Get a cool drink, some crisps maybe? Pop corn is healthier.

Let's get cracking.

Alright. Now, I'm friends with this girl ,who these group of other girls (who think they are superior to us)  don't like due to something she said. They are making her life hell.

Now, due to what I said on blackberry messenger (I was talking about seals, thank you very much) They think I am trying to get involved. I said, "When people can't get anymore cruel, they can"

And then my other friend posted, "People, just stop it."
I said I agreed. Then they tell me to BUTT out

HOW? I didn't even get INVOLVED! Check yesterday's post! I was talking about SEALS. But does anyone care or believe me?

Now, even worse, they mock me. Yesterday the one girl (trying WAY too hard to impress them) said, "Hey look Angii! A dead seal! *fake shock gasp* But don't worry! I saved it, cause I'm an animal-freak"

I retorted saying, "Good, you finally realised you are one. Maybe not to animals but you got that last bit right."

She came back at me saying, "Well I care about female dogs, bitches. Are you one and do you care?"

I stayed silent and just glared. She walked away trailing behind the others laughing.

All I could think of was: 

Sorry for ranting off. I hope you understand that when people are giving you hell, you kinda wish you could do something but you're scared it'll backfire.

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